What does exactly GPL license mean for my WordPress theme?

Does this licensing scheme (for file groups) violates the WordPress license? No, only the PHP code needs to be GPL’d. A popular example is Thesis: http://mashable.com/2010/07/22/thesis-relents/ http://markjaquith.wordpress.com/2010/07/17/why-wordpress-themes-are-derivative-of-wordpress/ Do I have to publish the PHP code of the theme so it is available to everyone? You don’t have to publish it if your intention is to … Read more

Link to specific Customizer section

As you’ve already discovered, links to the customizer always start with /wp-admin/customize.php. Append ?autofocus[section] =section_name to checkout your section within the customizer. Both parameters (section and section_name) are registered within your customize_register hook: $wp_customize->add_section If you can’t find the hook, check the HTML markup of the customizer for further information. Both parameters are included within … Read more

after_setup_theme always runs

SOLUTION: after_switch_theme does exactly what I intended here. It fires after the theme is switched TO your theme. One of the solutions mentioned below uses switch_theme. This does not have the desired results, since it only happens upon switching away from your theme. Here is an article that I found as reference: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7795#comment:29 Here is … Read more