How do I open a Visual Studio project in design view?

You can double click directly on the .cs file representing your form in the Solution Explorer : This will open Form1.cs [Design], which contains the drag&drop controls. If you are directly in the code behind (The file named Form1.cs, without “[Design]”), you can press Shift + F7 (or only F7 depending on the project type) instead to open it. From the design view, you can switch back … Read more

Check if an object exists

Since filter returns a QuerySet, you can use count to check how many results were returned. This is assuming you don’t actually need the results. After looking at the documentation though, it’s better to just call len on your filter if you are planning on using the results later, as you’ll only be making one sql query: A count() call … Read more

Difference between View and table in sql

A table contains data, a view is just a SELECT statement which has been saved in the database (more or less, depending on your database). The advantage of a view is that it can join data from several tables thus creating a new view of it. Say you have a database with salaries and you need to … Read more

SwiftUI – How do I change the background color of a View?

Screen’s Background Color (As of Xcode Version 13) I’m not sure if the original poster meant the background color of the entire screen or of individual views. So I’ll just add this answer which is to set the entire screen’s background color. Using ZStack I added .ignoresSafeArea() otherwise, it will stop at safe area margins. Using Overlay … Read more