I need an XPATH to extract data from www.gsmarena.com

I am doing a research about how mobile phones evolved over years so I need to create a database with specifications of as many phones is possible. I am trying to scrap data from GSM Arena website. Example page: http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_note7-8082.php I am using XPATH that contains the label that precedes each value, example //tr[contains (.,”Sensors”)]/td[2] But there … Read more

XPath contains(text(),’some string’) doesn’t work when used with node with more than one Text subnode

The <Comment> tag contains two text nodes and two <br> nodes as children. Your xpath expression was To break this down, * is a selector that matches any element (i.e. tag) — it returns a node-set. The [] are a conditional that operates on each individual node in that node set. It matches if any of the individual nodes it operates on … Read more

How to use XPath contains() here?

You are only looking at the first li child in the query you have instead of looking for any li child element that may contain the text, ‘Model’. What you need is a query like the following: This query will give you the elements that have a class of featureList with one or more li children that contain the text, ‘Model’.