You have totally missed the naming convention when coming to the taxonomy archive pages, and most probably the same goes for your archive pages for your custom post types
Here is how your taxonomy archive pages should look like
taxonomy-{taxonomy}-{term}.php – If the taxonomy were
, and taxonomy’s term weresometerm
WordPress would look fortaxonomy-sometax-someterm.php
. In the case of Post Formats, the taxonomy ispost_format
and the terms arepost_format-{format}
. i.e.taxonomy-post_format-post-format-link.php
taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php – If the taxonomy were
, WordPress would look fortaxonomy-sometax.php
So, all your taxonomy templates should be called taxonomy-tax_{$name_lower}.php
where $name_lower
is the name assigned to the variable.
Another issue that I brought up in my comments to your posts was
Do not use hyphens in your names, make use of underscores to separate words
This is now the opportunity to test your names with and without hyphens and see how that affect how your templates are used.
If you make your taxonomy name tax-mytax
and you create a template taxonomy-tax-mytax.php
, you will notice that this will not work, as wordpress reads your template as follow: tax
is your taxonomy name and mytax
is a term
One last thing, and I don’t know if you intentionally left that out, but your function should be hooked to the init
Just also another point on good practice, write your arguments in English and make them translatable. Someone that speaks a language different from yours will have a tough time figuring out what the labels mean, as would be the case with me :-). This is also the one big reason why your function should be hooked to init
as to make the translators available
It seems that your rewrite rules is causing your issue. From what was discussed in chat,
I have a taxonomy named
. It is a category-like taxonomy. I have a termAlte Evenimente
with the slugalte-evenimente
should be displayed withtaxonomy.php
Yes, that is what should happen with your rewrite rule, but it keeps on 404
I have found a great plugin to help with the rewrite rules for your custom post types. It is called Custom Post Type Permalinks (NOTE: I have no affiliation to the plugin). As your code currently stands, leave it in place
Here is how everything works:
(For the sake of examples, I’m going to use cpt_evenimente
and tax_evenimente
Download and install the plugin
Go to your permalinks settings page and scroll down to the settings for your custom post types. This is how it will look
to get your desired URL -
Save your permalinks
Now, for the tests
Displays taxonomy archive for terms from taxonomytax_evenimente
Displays the custom post type archive for custom post typecpt_evenimente
Displays the single posttesting post 1
Just a note, the checkbox for “Use custom permalink of custom taxonomy archive” should be unchecked
I hope this is what you need.