I have that code here just name the file theme_activation_hook.php like on the website and copy this.
* Provides activation/deactivation hook for wordpress theme.
* @author Krishna Kant Sharma (http://www.krishnakantsharma.com)
* Usage:
* ----------------------------------------------
* Include this file in your theme code.
* ----------------------------------------------
* function my_theme_activate() {
* // code to execute on theme activation
* }
* wp_register_theme_activation_hook('mytheme', 'my_theme_activate');
* function my_theme_deactivate() {
* // code to execute on theme deactivation
* }
* wp_register_theme_deactivation_hook('mytheme', 'my_theme_deactivate');
* ----------------------------------------------
* @desc registers a theme activation hook
* @param string $code : Code of the theme. This can be the base folder of your theme. Eg if your theme is in folder 'mytheme' then code will be 'mytheme'
* @param callback $function : Function to call when theme gets activated.
function wp_register_theme_activation_hook($code, $function) {
$optionKey="theme_is_activated_" . $code;
if(!get_option($optionKey)) {
update_option($optionKey , 1);
* @desc registers deactivation hook
* @param string $code : Code of the theme. This must match the value you provided in wp_register_theme_activation_hook function as $code
* @param callback $function : Function to call when theme gets deactivated.
function wp_register_theme_deactivation_hook($code, $function) {
// store function in code specific global
$GLOBALS["wp_register_theme_deactivation_hook_function" . $code]=$function;
// create a runtime function which will delete the option set while activation of this theme and will call deactivation function provided in $function
$fn=create_function('$theme', ' call_user_func($GLOBALS["wp_register_theme_deactivation_hook_function' . $code . '"]); delete_option("theme_is_activated_' . $code. '");');
// add above created function to switch_theme action hook. This hook gets called when admin changes the theme.
// Due to wordpress core implementation this hook can only be received by currently active theme (which is going to be deactivated as admin has chosen another one.
// Your theme can perceive this hook as a deactivation hook.
add_action("switch_theme", $fn);