Theme Customizer not loading

if customizer(live preview) doesnt work or doesnt load and nothing is shown, try these steps:

  • do you have redirections on the problematic site (double check and ensure, there might be coded a custom redirection in your plugins/codes)?
  • while the circle is still loading, change any option in customizer and click “SAVE & PUBLISH” and see, maybe a simple change will cause to arise the site.
  • try deactivating plugins.
  • do you have any custom EXIT/ DIE/ VAR_DUMP/ ECHO/ SETCOOOKIE/ commands programmed in core .php files, which may stop website loading if some conditions not met? (for example,i had similar issue, caused by me: i.e. IF (isset($_COOKIE["blabla"])) exit; )
  • try to install new WP with different url and install only theme at first, and check. then import everything and check again.. see if any difference.