Too many if’s and else if’s ?? – Must be better way [closed]

This question probably belongs to Code Review.

Anyway, you can fill your event properties inside an array, which you can iterate:

$events = array(
  'opening'  => array(
                 'time'             => '...time here...',
                 'formatted_time'   => '...time here...',
                 'label'            => __('Opening:'),      // or ucfirst($type) if you want...

  'closing'  => array(
                 'time'             => '...time here...',
                 'formatted_time'   => '...time here...',
                 'label'            => __('Clsoing:'),

  'artist_talk'  => array(
                 'time'             => '...time here...',
                 'formatted_time'   => '...time here...',
                 'label'            => __('Artist Talk:'),

  // and so on...

foreach($events as $type => $properties){
 if($properties['time'] >= $today) {
      echo '<h5>';

      if ($properties['time'] <= $todayevening) {
          echo '<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>';
      elseif ($properties['time'] > $todayevening && $properties['time'] <= $tonight) {
          echo '<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>';
      elseif ($properties['time'] > $tonight && $properties['time'] <= $tomorrow) {
          echo '<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>';

      echo '<span class="strong">'.$properties['label'].' </span>'.$properties['formatted_time'] .'</h5>';