wp_editor save all content
wp_editor save all content
wp_editor save all content
Manage recurring event time
WordPress in some cases automatically adds code tags ( like p tags and changes code structure ) when you edit content in “Visual” mode. Try to make changes and save in “Text” mode ( as Greg said in comment ).
Adding code to send referrer on login page
Use double percent sign like so: %%special-purpose%%. Or you could also use a placeholder, i.e. LIKE %s and then set the 6th parameter for $wpdb->prepare() to %special-purpose%, i.e. $wpdb->prepare( “your SQL query”, $earth_radius, $lat, $lng, $lat, ‘%special-purpose%’ )
My last comment reminded me about shortcodes, and lead me to this answer: function htmlcomment_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) { return ‘<!– ‘ . $content . ‘ –>’; } add_shortcode( ‘htmlcomment’, ‘htmlcomment_shortcode’ ); Add that to functions.php or your plugin, and then use it in your content like this: normal text [htmlcomment]commented out text[/htmlcomment]
Download the theme– actually download to your computer rather than use the built in updater/installer–, unzip it, find the footer file, and upload that to your site over FTP. After that, my advice would be to setup a development environment on your computer and don’t edit the live site directly.
The best place for you is probably going to be in your Theme’s functions.php file. Navigate to /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/functions.php. Paste it above/below any of the other code there, making sure to stay between any < ?php or ?> tags.
You can directly paste the google analytics code in your header.php or footer.php file which is present in your theme and it will work throughout the site.
I don’t think this will ever fire…. Is_admin() detects admin UI not admin priveleges… Try: if (is_admin()) : function my_remove_meta_boxes() { if( !current_user_can(‘manage_options’) ) { remove_meta_box(…); }} add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘my_remove_meta_boxes’ ); endif;