Add filename to attachment page url

This doesn’t require a WordPress modification per se, but if you prefer to do it that way, here is a decent tutorial: Some people would, however, prefer to do this via the .htaccess file, here is a quick guide on how to do redirects that way:

Show Custom Taxonomy Slug(s)?

$term->slug Here is an example return of $term: stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 31 [name] => Architectural Items / Salvage [slug] => architectural-items-salvage [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 31 [taxonomy] => dcategory Show Custom Taxonomy Slug(s)? => [parent] => 5 [count] => 10 [object_id] => 197 ) If you don’t know what’s in $term or … Read more

How to use get_option() without any filter?

I’m guessing that you are using language tags around ‘polish textdeutschland text’ i.e. <!–:pl–>polish text<!–:–><!–:de–>deutschland text<!–:–> but that they got ignored when you posted your answer. I’m pretty sure what you need to be doing is using the __() (which returns the translation for use in php code) and _e() (echo’s direct to screen) wordpress … Read more

How can I add a button to quicktags-toolbar?

Try adding the following code in your function.php add_action( ‘admin_footer-post-new.php’, ‘wpse_64665_add_quick_tag’ ); add_action( ‘admin_footer-post.php’, ‘wpse_64665_add_quick_tag’ ); function wpse_64665_add_quick_tag() { ?> <script type=”text/javascript”> edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton( ‘„“’, ‘„“’, ‘„’, ‘“’, ” ); </script><?php }

multiple comment text areas

To add new fields, simply append them to the default fields with a plugin. <?php defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) AND exit; /* Plugin Name: (#85059) Append form fields to comment form */ add_filter( ‘comment_form_default_fields’, ‘wpse85059_comment_form_extd’, 100 ); function wpse85059_comment_form_extd( $fields ) { // Append new fields … if ( ‘comment_form_default_fields’ === current_filter() ) { foreach ( … Read more

Outputting Page Content in Two Places

As per vancoder‘s comment under the OP’s question: Make each product a post (a Custom Post Type if you like), and associate two new taxonomies with it: brand and type. This give you lots of flexibility in how you organize and present your posts. No tags are necessary. The codex is your friend: Custom Taxonomies.