How to add meta description correct way

To add a meta description to your WordPress website, follow these steps: Install and activate an SEO plugin such as Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack, or Rank Math. Once the plugin is installed, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the page or post that you want to add a meta description … Read more

wp_redirect problem using code snippets

You can’t use wp_redirect or make HTTP redirects from inside a shortcode, redirects must happen before HTTP headers are sent out, before any HTML is sent to the browser, so shortcodes will always be too late. So I looked around and I believe the problem is that some content is sent to the browser before … Read more

How do you modify HTTP response headers on feed/?

If you just want to change the Content-Type header, then the feed_content_type filter can indeed be used for that purpose. (If your code isn’t changing the header, then another code might have overridden that header, so you can try using a lower priority for your filter callback) But there’s another filter hook you can use, … Read more

WordPress mobile and desktop header problems [closed]

The problem either in your theme setting or in css. if the theme setting try make header backround #000 on mobile and align logo center. So that will how your site look on mobile if you write custom css, here is the solution @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { #masthead_TesseractTheme .site-branding { text-align: center !important; … Read more

My CSS, footer and header don’t show up!

This is how your index.php and other public facing pages should be.. Don’t forget to add get_header() and get_footer() <?php get_header(); ?> <!– Row for main content area –> <div id=”content”> <div> <!– Main Content Loop HERE, or just use while have posts and get the content;..–> <?php get_template_part(‘loop’, ‘index’); ?> </div> </div><!– End Content … Read more

Custom Header won’t Repeat

You are targeting #header img(incorrect) and using repeat-x without any background-image property. Use this CSS code: #header { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(“”) repeat-x scroll 0 0; }