Add nofollow to custom widget posts

Solved it.. copied the class to functions.php renamed the class and used this call function wpmic_register_custom_widgets() { register_widget( ‘mic_WP_Widget_Recent_Posts’ ); } add_action( ‘widgets_init’, ‘wpmic_register_custom_widgets’ );

Post Meta Emtpy on Publish Using Transition

I got it working by looking at this post/answer: Seems it can’t be done, and I changed the get_post_meta line to: $message .= ‘Email: ‘ . sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘_email’]) . ‘<br>’; Also, I could see the $_POST data coming in from post.php on submission over dev tools. And finally, I changed my hook to publish_cpt which … Read more

Save User Meta Email Address in Lowercase

you can use this filter to do that add_filter(“sanitize_email”, function ($sanitized_email, $email, $message) { $sanitized_email = strtolower($sanitized_email); return $sanitized_email; }, 10, 3); but I am not sure if using “strtolower” is a good idea, does another readers know if it’s better to use “mb_strtolower” to handle multibyte characters ?