How to change frontend language only

go to /wp-admin/options-general.php and set the language that you need, after this if you see some words that not change, install a plugin LocoTranslate , with this you can see and edit any language of theme or plugin.

wp language changed after upgrading to centos 5.8

The WordPress locale depends on the WPLANG flag, this is found in your wp-config.php file, try to check there, that it’s indeed set to Spanish. WordPress does not try to get the system locale in any way, and depends on either the WPLANG option or definition as stated above. However, there is a locale filter … Read more

Unicode Problem

If these are really square boxes and not question marks (or the Unicode replacement character for invalid byte sequences), then the browser doesn’t find a font to display the characters. Embed a web font with all the characters needed.

POLYLANG: Hide current language

You need to add the hide_current parameter to this function. And when you use plugin function in your code, be sure to check if function exists. If the plugin get disabled, your website will continue to work 🙂 function polylang_flags_shortcode() { ob_start(); if(function_exists(‘pll_the_languages’)) { echo ‘<ul class=”polylang-flags”>’; pll_the_languages(array( ‘show_flags’ => 0, ‘show_names’ => 1, ‘hide_current’ … Read more