ajax polling with admin-ajax.php

You idea is equivalent to DDOSing your site, and the difference between the methods is only how fast you will bring the site down. WordPress AJAX handling is expensive, and should be limited to user initiated actions. Your second method will be more resilient but you are still going to be wasting server resources as … Read more

Get field in readable word

(Updated/new answer) How to make it show “United States (US)” instead, on the frontend, in a shortcode? First off, you got united-states (the country slug/key) instead of United States (US) (the country name) because your extrainfo_save_extra_user_profile_fields() function is saving the country slug/key instead of the country name. That’s not a problem, and I’d do the … Read more

Store custom field’s multiple values in one user meta key

There are “month_of_birth“, “day_of_birth“, “year_of_birth“. How to store them in one meta key (‘birth_date‘) ? If you mean to replace all the three meta keys with one single meta key, then you can save the birth_date meta as an array, so that the value would be something like this: array( ‘month’ => ‘august’, ‘day’ => … Read more

Using wordpress functions in class and change my code to OOP PHP

Thank you guys for all the suggestions and answers. I have fixed it, see my code below: class advanza_form { // Class properties defined using PHP Coding Guidelines and taking security measures: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.visibility.php public $site_id; public $affiliate_id; public $redirection; protected $url; private $response; private $header; // For debugging public $status_code; // For debugging public function … Read more

Grouping posts by date

<?php $day_check = ”; while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $day = get_the_date(‘j’); if ($day != $day_check) { if ($day_check != ”) { echo ‘</ul>’; // close the list here } echo get_the_date() . ‘<ul>’; } ?> <li><a href=”#”><?php the_time(); ?><?php the_title(); ?></a></li> <?php $day_check = $day; endwhile; ?> do like this i hop this work

Custom Bulk Actions handler not firing

Hi first fix your condition if ( $action !== ‘out_of_stock’ || $action !== ‘in_stock’) { this condition will always run because your action is in contrast with “out_of_stock” or “in_stock”. So I think if you change the condition from OR to AND it will work. Then find out if the screen id is the one … Read more