&& (AND) and || (OR) in IF statements

No, it will not be evaluated. And this is very useful. For example, if you need to test whether a String is not null or empty, you can write: or, the other way around If we didn’t have ‘short-circuits’ in Java, we’d receive a lot of NullPointerExceptions in the above lines of code.

How to format strings in Java

In addition to String.format, also take a look java.text.MessageFormat. The format less terse and a bit closer to the C# example you’ve provided and you can use it for parsing as well. For example: A nicer example takes advantage of the varargs and autoboxing improvements in Java 1.5 and turns the above into a one-liner: MessageFormat is … Read more

Using or ‘|’ in regex [duplicate]

It’s because you are trying to match against the entire string instead of the part to find. For example, this code will find that only a part of the string is conforming to the present regex: When you want to match an entire string and check if that string contains he|be|de use this regex .*(he|be|de).* . means … Read more

Finding white rectangle in an image

This is very rough, but successfully finds all the white pixels in the image, more checking can be done to ensure it is the size you want and everything is there but the basics are there. PS: I have not tested with your image. r and this.rc is picture size and p and this.px is … Read more