WinError 10061 – No Connection Could be made

I’m debugging a simple program, that has worked in the past. I’ve singled out the instruction where the error takes place, but I cannot figure out what triggers it. I’ve read all questions related to WinError 10061, but I do not see a clear answer I run Python 3 in Windows 8. I tried turning … Read more

Visual Studio Python “Failed to launch the Python Process, please validate the path ‘python” & Error: spawn python ENOENT

I just downloaded Python and Visual Studio. I’m trying to test the debugging feature for a simple “Hello World” script and I’m receiving this error: Failed to launch the Python Process, please validate the path ‘python’ followed by this in the debug console: Error: spawn python ENOENT Could someone please help me out and tell … Read more

python 3 – x for x for loops – how do they work?

The reason for the apparently redundant extra mention of the variable x when writing x for x is that the first x does not need to be x. It just happens to be in the examples you give. Here are a few more examples which should clarify the difference between the first and second x in your question: This simply gives a list of … Read more

Why did ‘reset_index(drop=True)’ function unwantedly remove column?

As the saying goes, “What happens in your interpreter stays in your interpreter”. It’s impossible to explain the discrepancy without seeing the full history of commands entered into both Python interactive sessions. However, it is possible to venture a guess: df.reset_index(drop=True) drops the current index of the DataFrame and replaces it with an index of increasing … Read more

How to import cv2 in python3?

Your screenshot shows you doing a pip install from the python terminal which is wrong. Do that outside the python terminal. Also the package I believe you want is: Since you’re running on Windows, I might look at the official install manual: opencv2 is ONLY compatible with Python3 if you do so by compiling the source code. … Read more