Display Post by taxonomy and taxonomy child

You should query all accomodation posts in this country, and then sort them by accomodation-type and region. Then you loop through the posts, and compare the accomodation type and the region of each post with those of the previous post. If they are different you print the new accomodation type or region and then print … Read more

Create and move terms for taxonomies

wp_update_term() doesn’t changes taxonomy. It just updated the existing taxonomy. Say the below code- $update = wp_update_term( 1, ‘category’, array( ‘name’ => ‘Uncategorized Renamed’, ‘slug’ => ‘uncategorized-renamed’ ) ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $update ) ) { echo ‘Success!’; } This code finds the category which ID is 1, then updates it to the name … Read more

Search for tags

Yes its very possible, you just need to create your own search form and processing function form: <form name=”tag-search” method=”POST” action=””> <input type=”text” vlaue=”” name=”tag-q” id=”tag-q”> <input type=”submit” name=”tag-submit” id=”tag-submit” value=”Search Tags”> </form> processing: <?php if (isset($_POST[‘tag-submit’]) && $_POST[‘tag-submit’] == “Search Tags” && isset($_POST[‘tag-q’]) && $_POST[‘tag-q’] != “”){ // @todo Sanity check and cleanup $_POST[‘tag-q’] … Read more

Get wordpress taxonomy archive and sort by year

You are over-complicating everything here. What you are doing is not just expensive (because you loose all caches which include post, post meta, term and thumbnail caches), it is totally wrong as well. You are running custom queries which replaces the main query. This in itself makes your page load slower You shouldn’t be running … Read more

Display Custom Taxonomy in Sidebar in Two Columns

As a follow up to @Rutwick Gangurde Answer, here’s an example. Notes: Put it in your functions.php file, call it in the template file. Alter the output by inspecting the $term inside the foreach loop Read the comments inside the function – function wpse25433_terms_list( $cat = array(‘categories’), $el=”li”, $echo = true ) { global $post; … Read more

How to add automatically keyword to taxonomies when a post published, and assign them to the post

You would use the save_post hook, in your hooked function use wp_insert_term as described here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_insert_term Then use wp_set_object_terms on the post to assignt he taxonomy term you just created as follows: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_set_object_terms for example: function my_save($post_id) { wp_insert_term( ‘bannanapost’, ‘fruit’); wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, ‘bannanapost’, ‘fruit’, true ) } add_action(‘save_post’,’my_save’); The above code, placed in functions.php … Read more

Get parent and first child taxonomy terms?

There is unfortunately no way that you are going to do this in one or two queries. It seems that there are a misunderstanding or misconception about database queries. The most important aspect to keep in mind when you are running database queries is the amount of database queries vs. the time these queries will … Read more

Add Thumbnail to wp_list_categories()

The original question uses get_tax_meta() which does not exist in WordPress core but may be a custom function created by the asker. In this case we could switch it out just as well with get_term_meta(). You could try this: class List_Category_Images extends Walker_Category { function start_el( &$output, $category, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id … Read more

How to have “the most used tags” taxonomy always expanded?

There does not appear to be any way to hook into that from inside PHP http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/3.3.1/wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php#L300 So JavaScript will probably best suit as a quick and easy solution. add_action( ‘admin_footer-post-new.php’, ‘wpse_45149_inject_script’ ); function wpse_45149_inject_script() { $expand_for = array( ‘post_tag’ ); // add taxonomy names here // build a nice jQuery query foreach ( $expand_for as … Read more

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