TypeError getElementsByTagName is not a function issue

Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?

The object returned by the jQuery constructor doesn’t have the .getElementsByTagName() method.

$('selector') returns a jQuery object. .getElementsByTagName() is a native JavaScript method of DOM elements.

To look for elements with a certain tagname using the jQuery object you currently have:

var inputs = $('directoryresults input');
// OR
var inputs = $('directoryresults').find('input');

To get a like-for-like node list that .getElementsByTagName() would return (note this isn’t exactly the same, this will return an array where .getElementsByTagName() will return a HTMLCollection):

var inputs = $('directoryresults input').get();

Note: directoryresults, I am assuming, is either a class or id of a DOM element. Either way you’ll want to amend the selector above

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