User meta query results in PHP notice: only variables should be passed by reference

The value passed to reset() is passed by reference, which means technically it modifies the original variable that’s passed to it. For this to work you need to pass a variable, not a function that returns a value.

reset() rewinds array’s internal pointer to the first element and
returns the value of the first array element.

All you need to do is assign the returned value if get_users() to a variable and then use reset() on that:

$users = get_users( array(
    'meta_query'  => array(
        'relation' => 'AND',
            'value' => $pieces[0],
            'compare' => '='
            'key' => 'last_name',
            'value' => $pieces[1],
            'compare' => '='
    'number' => 1,
    'count_total' => false
) );

$user = reset( $users );