Here’s couple of wild ideas which you could try, if you’re feeling adventurous.
1) Write some conditional logic with $_SERVER
to detect if the user’s browser is the right type and high enough version, that would probably support the WebP format.
and see also
2) Add the WebP and fallback image urls as data attributes
and use js for the browser detection and to set the WebP or the fallback image as the background-image.
e.g. <div data-webp-bg="some-img-url" data-fallback-bg="another-img-url"></div>
p.s. I don’t know how well these would work, but I’m just feeling creative at the moment.
EDIT 22.10.2018
Here’s couple of leads you could follow and research more, if you want to come up with working solutions to my wild ideas.
For php take a look at (originally for Laravel I guess, but I think you could use elsewhere too) or for example.
For js, this old thread could prove useful See also
Couple of minutes of googling gave me these related articles, and
p.s Sorry for all the links and no code. The links are here just to provide nudge to the right direction and to promote own research and learning. This is a learning experience for me too.