What is the jmpq command doing in this example

From the GAS-manual:

An Intel syntax indirect memory reference of the form

 section:[base + index*scale + disp]

is translated into the AT&T syntax

 section:disp(base, index, scale)

where base and index are the optional 32-bit base and index registers, disp is the optional displacement, and scale, taking the values 1, 2, 4, and 8, multiplies index to calculate the address of the operand.


So you can translate jmpq *0x402390(,%rax,8) into INTEL-syntax: jmp [RAX*8 + 0x402390]. It’s an “indirect” jump. At address [RAX*8 + 0x402390] is an address which will become the target of jmp. The next step is to determine, how many addresses can be found at 0x402390 + x and in which case they are used.

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