what does the cmpq instruction do?

I was reading the following definition for syscall:

.globl syscall
.type   syscall,%function
.align 16
    movq %rdi, %rax     /* Syscall number -> rax.  */
    movq %rsi, %rdi     /* shift arg1 - arg5.  */
    movq %rdx, %rsi
    movq %rcx, %rdx
    movq %r8, %r10
    movq %r9, %r8
    movq 8(%rsp),%r9    /* arg6 is on the stack.  */
    syscall         /* Do the system call.  */
    cmpq $-4095, %rax   /* Check %rax for error.  */
    jae __syscall_error     /* Branch forward if it failed.  */
    ret         /* Return to caller.  */

.size syscall,.-syscall

I saw it explained that the line cmpq $-4095 %rax determines whether %rax contains a value between -1 and -4095. How does it do that? What exactly does the cmpq instruction do?

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