It is desirable because you can modify that page, to introduce extra functionality.
- Comments
- Meta data
- custom fields
- titles
- descriptions
- Image EXIF
- showing geolocation data
- video/audio players
- thumbnails of other images attached to the post, e.g. the other pictures in the gallery
If it troubles you, you can ‘remove’ the feature, by making an attachment.php template, and putting a wp_redirect() to the images full size URL.
I would avoid this however, as this is a good opportunity to show off and make the most of your content, e.g.:
Here, Matt Mullenwegs site uses attachment pages for gallery posts individual images, you can comment on images, you can navigate to the next image in the gallery and back, and upwards.
Related Posts:
- Upload images to remote server
- Use Media Library to manage galleries like Nextgen (with folders, albums, collections, tags, categories, terms…)
- How to make programmatic image upload generate thumbnail and sizes?
- Best way to strip character entities (%20 etc)
- Different upload path per file type
- HTTP Error when uploading files above 7mb unless using GD Image Editor
- Bulk edit of EXIF data for jpeg images uploaded in the media library?
- How to open default wp image editor screen dynamically?
- Searching for any images in media library displays “no media found”
- How to get file URL from media library
- Images uploaded to the media library has strange colors. However, in the edit screen the color is ok
- Get images attached to a specific page
- Is there a way in WordPress to convert images to WebP without a plugin?
- Auto delete pictures in media library by age
- WordPress Attachments with old images
- WordPress append -1 to the image name
- unsharp thumbnails after uploading image
- Post-processing of the image failed
- Unable to delete images in Media Library
- Edit image itself
- Missing Images in Uploads Directory (Server Only)
- Broken Media Library
- Media Library is not loading on grid view in admin panel
- Blurry Images WordPress 5.8.1
- Why some images are not allowed to be edited only for thumbnails?
- What’s the proper way to find and remove duplicate images from posts and the media library?
- Which filters or actions to use after a media upload and delete?
- Separate Media Library for each user
- Media Upload Folder – how to manage
- Why is wp_get_attachment_image_src not working with my custom size (add_image_size)
- Images dont show in grid view, but do in list view
- How can I hide media library images from general users?
- Filter Media Library by author or post_parent
- Alter media caption/description conflict in WordPress?
- Restrict the number of images to upload per post
- Upload images using FTP and show them in media
- How to store media files in subdomain
- Import Images from one self-hosted WordPress install to another
- Uploading images to Media Library fails with Memory Exhausted
- Why can’t I edit certain images from the WordPress Media library?
- Edit image preview is not displayed
- How to add a media with PHP
- Upload thousands of images to WordPress without plugin?
- What’s the best “insert all images” plugin?
- Getting alt text of featured image
- Get image alt attribute just by image URL
- Is there a way to get attachment data?
- Bulk image rotation
- How to order images in a post in WordPress 3.3?
- unattached media files that should be attached
- Change WordPress Media Manager
- Site migration – some images not displaying in Media Library
- Upload media files to Amazon S3
- How can I create more upload paths, like a post corresponding to a post title folder used to store images of the same product
- In Wordress one author can not see the other’s author uploaded images through media library
- WordPress automatically downscaled images larger that original
- add media button is not working
- Change wp-content/uploads to uploads/%postname%/%image%
- Uploaded images not displaying in network site
- Moving media library to the media library of completely different site
- Upload media only to DB
- Function to remove all classes on images inserted into posts?
- Images are not showing up in “Uploaded to this post”
- Images don’t update after being edited
- Some Images Disappeared from Media Library?
- are unattached media files a problem?
- Weird encoded error when using wp_generate_attachment_metadata()
- Large image not showing dimensions in Media Library
- Disable image rename on upload
- How can i identify media uploaded to my website that is not being used anywhere anymore?
- Function to grab specific image IDs from media library.
- image URL changed in wordpress
- Fetching uploaded images using Link URL
- Can’t seem to see images on my machine but can on the server
- Attachments without images
- get rid of random string before an for an image path on wordpress
- How can i sorting and display image order by siz in media library?
- Media Library Cleanup A Thought Exercise
- Could creation of various image sizes cause slow form submission response?
- imported post image as normal image instead encoded image
- Updated wordpress missing image upload area
- The image keep redirect to my previous URL after I moving my site
- WordPress Link To Image Missing Dropdown
- Modify media file markup output
- Newly uploaded images are not updating in featured image
- wordpress images not showing properly
- Change the image for a certain URL
- How do I embed youtube video via url in frontend posting
- Assign one featured image to multiple posts?
- Some images don’t get linked when setting link-to to media-image
- How do I embed an image at actual size?
- Image media upload problem in page editing modus?
- Set padding for all content except images and few more elements
- Change image link in excerpt to point to post
- My image rotate 90 degree
- My subdirectory sites images (except webP) are throwing to 404 page even they are exist
- WordPress API, creating Featured Media from image url (nodejs)
- Media Library shows default image instead of image preview
- Images have dissapeared from media library and site
- Uploading media to wordpress API with C# HttpClient