Why doesn’t C# have header files? Will the namespace take care of everything?

Can anyone tell clearly about the usage of header files and namespaces in C#?

Because in C++ I was using ******.h files to read library functions. And when I saw some sample programs in C# they were missing, Can anyone tell me why?

I’m using C# to develop a custom tool for a CAD application. Whenever I use the appropriate function to open the file (CAD file), the compiler is giving me an error stating that the function names which I supply are not available in the context. Here what does meant by context?

When I opened the help file of that CAD application the function which is responsible for opening the file has bee mentioned under a header file called uf_part.h. But there is an namespace called NXPpen.

I used the namespace as using NXOpen in Visual Basic, isn’t that enough? DO I need to supply that header file as well? If so, how?