Why I’m Not Having Access to “$_POST” Data Outside My AJAX Callback?

Maybe It’s the Appropriate Answer for You!

Accordingly to this question the more reasonable answer is to use wp_send_json() with (if only necessary) the wp_send_json_success() and wp_send_json_error() functions. They’ll return an JSON Object back to the AJAX Request and it will automatically die() for you. It will look something like this:

add_action( 'wp_ajax_origin', 'create_an_ajax_request_origin_form' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_origin', 'create_an_ajax_request_origin_form' );
function create_an_ajax_request_origin_form() {
    $fields = array(
        'address'     => wp_kses( sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'origin' ][ 'address' ] ), array() ),
        'number'      => wp_kses( intval( absint( $_POST[ 'origin' ][ 'number' ] ) ), array() ),
        'address_two' => wp_kses( sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'origin' ][ 'address_two' ] ), array() ),
        'city'        => wp_kses( sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'origin' ][ 'city' ] ), array() ),

    wp_send_json( $fields ); // there's no need to use die() function if you're using wp_send_json()

If everything worked properly, now you might be able to reach those $fields data from inside the AJAX Request, and it’ll look something like this:

$.post( origin.admin_ajax, origin_data, function( response ) {
    console.log( response.city ); // this will print out the response sent by the Backend through the wp_send_json() function
} );

Obs: I changed the superglobal $_REQUEST variable to $_POST, which in my opinion is the most appropriate thing to do. Because we are using a $.post method to send and get the data between the Frontend and the Backend.

The Real World Answer

Till that point I didn’t know that I needed to extend the data into the WordPress Dashboard. So, the only option (in this case) was to get everything filtered by the create_an_ajax_request_origin_form() function and store it inside the superglobal $_COOKIE array.

I preferred to make use of JavaScript Cookie Repository to deal with the Cookies in the JavaScript, that way made more sense of why I’m actually using Cookies.