WordPress 3.2 has broken my TinyMCE code

I found some info on changes in 3.2 that might be relevant:

Aparrently, wp_tiny_mce_preload_dialogs() no longer exists from WP3.2 on. It got replaced by wp_preload_dialogs() which is now being called from wp_quicktags(). wp_quicktags, on his turn, is being called from the_editor() function. So, if you’re using the_editor() you no longer need to manually call the function to preload any dialogs!

If you’re not using the_editor(), make sure to call wp_preload_dialogs() somewhere from your footer in the following manner:

wp_preload_dialogs( array( 'plugins' => 'wpdialogs,wplink,wpfullscreen' ) );

You could try calling wp_preload_dialogs(), or maybe switch to using the_editor() instead of tinyMCE.execCommand().

Also, check out this question; calling wp_tiny_mce() solved my problem.

Update: wp_tiny_mce() might be deprecated in 3.3.

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