WordPress editable template fields

Custom fields can accomplish what you’re trying to do. http://codex.wordpress.org/Custom_Fields

You define the custom key and values in an edit page, and then you can re-use them in other edit pages. Once defined, you need to display the custom fields in your template(s). The documentation isn’t super clear, but if your key was “currently_reading”, your php in your template would look something like,

get_post_meta($post_id, 'currently_reading');

…which would spit out “Calvin and Hobbes” for that particular page.

There are also plugins that can dress up the wp-admin area and the syntax, rather than just a textarea or text field and the custom field key slug. I use Advanced Custom Fields in almost every site I make: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/ . There’s a free and pro version.