wordpress reusable content blocks

One of two ways:

Add a shortcode, so someone could drop in [content-block id="12"] wherever they wanted. Here’s a very simple example without a lot of error checking.

add_action( 'init', 'wpse29418_add_shortcode' );
function wpse29418_add_shortcode()
    add_shortcode( 'content-block', 'wpse29418_shortcode_cb' );

function wpse29418_shortcode_cb( $atts )
    $atts = shortcode_atts(
                    'id' => 0
    // then use get_post to fetch the post content and spit out.
    $p = get_post( $atts['id'] );
    return $p->post_content;

Alternatively, you could create a very large options page on the back end that allows users to assign content blocks to pages. Then hook into the_content and place the info boxes.

add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpse29418_content_filter' );
function wpse29418_content_filter( $content )
    global $post;

    // get the option that stores the data.
    $opts = get_option( 'wspe29418_opts' );

    // check to see if the post has a content block assigned.
    if( isset( $opts[$post->ID] ) )
        //do stuff here
    return $content;

The downside to the second approach is there you’re limited to either placing the content block before or after the original post content or replacing that post’s content all together.

Shortcodes would be the most flexible for your end user.