wp.blocks.registerBlockType not showing what I want on the frontend

Any changes to the save property will cause issues with existing blocks because static blocks save the markup in save to the post content. If you make a change, you’ll need to use the deprecated property to tell Gutenberg how to handle the differences between the save and what is in the post content. See here for the API.

For example:

registerBlockType( 'blockname', {
    //existing properties,
    deprecated: [
            attributes: { // whatever your attributes were for the old version }
            save: // the old version of the save function     

As for using the fetch() function, you should be able to use it in the function as expected before you return data but I’m not sure what the benefit would be of doing it there. What might be better, is doing it in the edit property and setting the data as an attribute of the block.

Pseudo code:

edit: ( props ) => {
    fetch() // not sure what we're getting here so...?
    .then(data => {
        if ( data.thing ) {
            this.setAttributes( { attName: data.thing } )


save: function(props) {
    return wp.element.createElement(
      { style: { border: "3px solid " + props.attributes.color } },

Hope it helps!