wp.media issue with selected image

custom_uploader is actually an instance of wp.media() and not an HTML element, so the variable does not have a onselect property, but it does have a on() method/function which you can use to listen to the select event which is triggered after an attachment is selected.

Secondly, an HTML element does not have a innerHTML() method, only a property of the same name that we can use to change the inner HTML of the element like so: <Element>.innerHTML = 'foo <b>bar bold</b> baz'. Please check the MDN web docs for more details.

So to fix the issues, change this:

custom_uploader.onselect = function() {
    var attachment = custom_uploader.state().get('selection').first().toJSON();
    var uploadLogoImage = document.getElementById("upload_image").innerHTML(attachment.url);


custom_uploader.on( 'select', function() {
    var attachment = custom_uploader.state().get('selection').first().toJSON();
    var uploadLogoImage = document.getElementById("upload_image").innerHTML = attachment.url;
} );

Also, if #upload_image is actually an <input /> or textarea field, then use the value property to change the input/textarea value, or you could instead use setAttribute().