WP_Query – How to get all posts of specific days of week by custom field date?

WP_Query provides no such date parameter. While you could query for/store the date of the earliest post on the site and then calculate every date for a particular day of the week in the timespan since then and query based on that criteria, it would be far more efficient to track the publish day of week directly.

This could be accomplished with post meta-data, but for query efficiency it would probably make more sense as a taxonomy with a term for each day of the week. As an added benefit of storing this information in a taxonomy, you’ll also get automatic archives and permalinks, which sound as though they might be beneficial here – but you can disable that functionality if not.

Add a hook to look up and set the appropriate day of week term whenever a new course is inserted.

If the archives don’t directly fit your filter needs, your filtration query would be just a matter of specifying the day of week taxonomy/term.