Searching through different categories on different pages code is not working

The answer before mine shows you the problem about is_search() in your code.

To solve your problem, you can try to add some datas from your search form. In your WordPress you have a searchform.php, you can edit this file to add a new hidden field or use an ugly filter function like I have do here :

// Gives you the category where you want to search with from page ID
add_filter('wpse_306057_search_category_id', 'wpse_306057_search_category_id', 10, 1);
function wpse_306057_search_category_id($id = false) {
        case 100:
        $cat_id = 37;

        case 200:
        $cat_id = 24;

        case 201:
        case 202:
        case 203:
        $cat_id = array(57,99); // You may use multiple cats

        $cat_id = false;
    return $cat_id;

// Add input hidden with "from page" for your search form
add_filter('get_search_form', 'wpse_306057_search_category_input', 10, 1);
function wpse_306057_search_category_input($form) {
    return str_replace('</form>', '<input type="hidden" name="search_from_page" value="'.get_queried_object_id().'" /></form>', $form);

// Add cat to your query
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'wpse_306057_search_category', 10, 1);
function wpse_306057_search_category($query) {
    && $query->is_main_query()
    && $query->is_search()
    && !empty(@$_GET['search_from_page'])
    && apply_filters('wpse_306057_search_category_id', $_GET['search_from_page']))
        $query->set('cat', apply_filters('wpse_306057_search_category_id', $_GET['search_from_page']));

I haven’t tested the code, but it’s a good way to play with what you want to achieve.