wp_remote_get(), downloading and saving files

Well here’s the solution that I came up with:

// Use wp_remote_get to fetch the data
$response = wp_remote_get($url);

// Save the body part to a variable
$zip = $data['body'];

// In the header info is the name of the XML or CVS file. I used preg_match to find it
preg_match("/.datafeed_([0-9]*)\../", $response['headers']['content-disposition'], $match);

// Create the name of the file and the declare the directory and path
$file = DIR_PATH."zip/"."datafeed_".$match[1].".zip";

// Now use the standard PHP file functions
$fp = fopen($file, "w");
fwrite($fp, $zip);

// to unzip the file use the WordPress unzip_file() function
// You MUST declare WP_Filesystem() first
if (unzip_file($file, DIR_PATH."feeds")) {
// Now that the zip file has been used, destroy it
return true;
} else {
return false;

Dealing with a GZIP file was a bit different:

// It is necessary to use the raw URL and find the extension of the encluse XML or CVS file first
private function save_ungzip($data, $url, $ext) {

// As with ZIP, save the body of wp_remote_get() to memory
$gzip = $data['body'];

// As with ZIP, look for the name of the file in the header
preg_match("/.datafeed_([0-9]*)\../", $data['headers']['content-disposition'], $match);
$file = DIR_PATH."feeds/"."datafeed_".$match[1].".$ext";

// now you need to use both the PHP gzip functions and the PHP file functions
$remote = gzopen($url, "rb");
$home = fopen($file, "w");

while ($string = gzread($remote, 4096)) {
    fwrite($home, $string, strlen($string));



So in conclusion. When you use wp_remote_get() to retrieve a remote file use the inbuilt PHP file functions to then save it where you want to. If you have a solution that utilizes WordPress functions then please post it up.

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