OK, just don’t use the_meta
function and display these fields with your custom code. You can use something like this:
function my_filtered_meta($disabled_metas =array()) {
if ( $keys = get_post_custom_keys() ) {
echo "<ul class="post-meta">\n";
foreach ( (array) $keys as $key ) {
$keyt = trim($key);
if ( is_protected_meta( $keyt, 'post' ) || in_array($keyt, $disabled_metas ) )
$values = array_map('trim', get_post_custom_values($key));
$value = implode($values,', ');
echo apply_filters('the_meta_key', "<li><span class="post-meta-key">$key:</span> $value</li>\n", $key, $value);
echo "</ul>\n";
And then replace the_meta
in your theme files with this function call: my_filtered_meta( array('dsq_thread_id') )
Another way to do this would be using is_protected_meta
filter. Just add your own filter to that hook and make this dsq_thread_id
field protected.