List custom taxonomy terms from custom field

The problem you are facing is that get_the_terms() returns an array (or false or a WP_Error-Object), not a string.

So, assuming that you have multiple terms for images, you could use a code like this:

if( $labels && !is_wp_error( $labels ) ) {
    foreach( $labels as $label ) {

        $labelarray[] = $label->name;

    $labelstring = join( ", ", $labelarray );

This loops through your labels, if no error. You may want to adjust the $labelstring to your needs, this one produces a value like label1, label2, label3. You could simply skip the colon, if you don’t need it.

Your whole code would look like this:


$portfolio_images = get_field('portfolio_gallery');

foreach( $portfolio_images as $portfolio_image ):
    unset( $labelarray );
    $labels = get_the_terms( $portfolio_image['ID'], 'media_category' );
    if( $labels && !is_wp_error( $labels ) ) {
        foreach( $labels as $label ) {

            $labelarray[] = $label->name;

        $labelstring = join( ", ", $labelarray );


    <li class="gallery-item" data-myorder="<?php  echo $labelstring;  ?>">
         <img src="<?php echo $portfolio_image["sizes']['portfolio-thumbnail']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $portfolio_image["alt']; ?>" />
         <div class="mask">
                <a class="mask-link" href="<?php echo $portfolio_image["url']; ?>">
                    <div class="mask-content">
                            <h4><?php echo $portfolio_image['title']; ?></h4>
                            <p><?php echo $portfolio_image['caption']; ?></p>

<?php  endforeach; ?>