Sounds like your site has been hacked. You will need to do thorough checking of all files and plugins to fix it. Lots of info on the googles/bings/ducks to help clean up your site. Will take some time and effort.
Basics would be
- manually update everything (download files, unzip locally, upload). Do this for WP core, themes, plugins.
- check all files for hacked content. Look at hidden files, ICO files, etc, for obfusticated code.
- check htaccess files for bad stuff. Do that in all folders on the site.
- repeat the above process to ensure clean.
- you may need to look at the posts database.
- it will take some days for search results to show a clean site. You can resubmit your sitemap to the search engines to help speed that up.
Some people will say ‘nuke from orbit’, but you can (I have done this) clean up a site manually. Will take hours, though. Good luck.
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