Have you verified that there is in fact a row where Staff_Id = @PersonID? What you’ve posted works fine in a test script, assuming the row exists. If you comment out the insert statement, then the error is raised.
set nocount on create table Timesheet_Hours (Staff_Id int, BookedHours int, Posted_Flag bit) insert into Timesheet_Hours (Staff_Id, BookedHours, Posted_Flag) values (1, 5.5, 0) declare @PersonID int set @PersonID = 1 IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Timesheet_Hours WHERE Posted_Flag = 1 AND Staff_Id = @PersonID ) BEGIN RAISERROR('Timesheets have already been posted!', 16, 1) ROLLBACK TRAN END ELSE IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Timesheet_Hours WHERE Staff_Id = @PersonID ) BEGIN RAISERROR('Default list has not been loaded!', 16, 1) ROLLBACK TRAN END ELSE print 'No problems here' drop table Timesheet_Hours