CREATE VIEW must be the only statement in the batch

Just as the error says, the CREATE VIEW statement needs to be the only statement in the query batch.

You have two option in this scenario, depending on the functionality you want to achieve:

  1. Place the CREATE VIEW query at the beginningCREATE VIEW showing as select tradename, unitprice, GenericFlag from Medicine; with ExpAndCheapMedicine(MostMoney, MinMoney) as ( select max(unitprice), min(unitprice) from Medicine ) , findmostexpensive(nameOfExpensive) as ( select tradename from Medicine, ExpAndCheapMedicine where UnitPrice = MostMoney ) , findCheapest(nameOfCheapest) as ( select tradename from Medicine, ExpAndCheapMedicine where UnitPrice = MinMoney )
  2. Use GO after the CTE and before the CREATE VIEW query– Option #2with ExpAndCheapMedicine(MostMoney, MinMoney) as ( select max(unitprice), min(unitprice) from Medicine ) , findmostexpensive(nameOfExpensive) as ( select tradename from Medicine, ExpAndCheapMedicine where UnitPrice = MostMoney ) , findCheapest(nameOfCheapest) as ( select tradename from Medicine, ExpAndCheapMedicine where UnitPrice = MinMoney ) GO CREATE VIEW showing as select tradename, unitprice, GenericFlag from Medicine;

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