“CASE” statement within “WHERE” clause in SQL Server 2008

I am working with a query which contains “CASE” statement within “WHERE” clause. But SQL Server 2008 is giving some errors while executing it. Can anyone please help me with the correct query? Here is the query:

    tl.storenum 'Store #', 
    co.ccnum 'FuelFirst Card #', 
    co.dtentered 'Date Entered',
    CASE st.reasonid 
        WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' 
   WHEN 2 THEN 'Not Active' 
   WHEN 0 THEN st.ccstatustypename 
   ELSE 'Unknown' 
    END 'Status',
    CASE st.ccstatustypename 
        WHEN 'Active' THEN ' ' 
   WHEN 'Not Active' THEN ' ' 
   ELSE st.ccstatustypename 
    END 'Reason',
    UPPER(REPLACE(REPLACE(co.personentered,'RT\\\\',''),'RACETRAC\\\\','')) 'Person Entered',
    co.comments 'Comments or Notes'
    comments co
    INNER JOIN cards cc ON co.ccnum=cc.ccnum
    INNER JOIN customerinfo ci ON cc.customerinfoid=ci.customerinfoid
    INNER JOIN ccstatustype st ON st.ccstatustypeid=cc.ccstatustypeid
    INNER JOIN customerstatus cs ON cs.customerstatuscd=ci.customerstatuscd
    INNER JOIN transactionlog tl ON tl.transactionlogid=co.transactionlogid
    LEFT JOIN stores s ON s.StoreNum = tl.StoreNum
    CASE LEN('TestPerson')
        WHEN 0 THEN co.personentered  = co.personentered
   ELSE co.personentered LIKE '%TestPerson'
    AND cc.ccnum = CASE LEN('TestFFNum')
        WHEN 0 THEN cc.ccnum 
   ELSE 'TestFFNum' 

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