Add before_content and after_content to register_sidebar

The limitation is down to the existing arguments and how pretty much all widgets typically output content:

echo $args['before_widget'];
if ( $title ) {
    echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title'];

// Widget content

echo $args['after_widget'];

Some widgets may offer before/after content hooks, but if you want a “global” fix there’s no surefire way around it.

The only solution I can see is to add the wrap twice and use CSS :empty to hide the leftovers:

        'before_widget'  => '<div class="box box_push"><div class="box box-bd">',
        'before_title'   => '</div>', // If we have a title, close the wrap above
        'after_title'    => '<div class="box box-bd">', // Now open another one
        'after_widget'   => '</div></div>',

So with widgets that have titles, you’ll end up with:

<div class="box box_push">
    <div class="box box-bd"></div>
    Widget Title

    <div class="box box-bd">
        Widget content

Enter the aforementioned CSS:

.box-bd:empty {
    display: none;

This will hide that first redundant wrap. A little dirty, I know, but it means title or no title, you’ll always have your content wrapped in .box-bd.