Add text to the bottom of particular pages

Since you know the page ID we can directly look page ID 267 – so let’s skip the searching for an ID and jump to the comparison:

You mentioned that you do not want it on the Entrepreneurship page, so lets only look for pages where the parent is ID 267

if($post->post_parent == 267)

It looks like you’ve removed your shortcode, so let’s make this more visually appealing and clean up the code:

<?php if($post->post_parent == 267) : ?>
    <div class="buttonsEntrepreneurship">
        <div class="one_third">
            <span class="responsive">
                <a href=""> 
                    <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-176" alt="courses" src="" width="310" height="109">

        <div class="one_third">
            <span class="responsive"> 
                <a href=""> 
                    <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-178" alt="tools" src="" width="310" height="109">

        <div class="one_third last">
            <span class="responsive"> 
                <a href=""> 
                    <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-179" alt="videos" src="" width="310" height="109">
<?php endif; ?>