conditional tags- how to use with shortcodes

I am not sure to understand your question, but you have to read more wordpress/nextgen documentation.

What you need to do exactly? Can you be more specific?

I think, that if you create a set of pages (for each stylist) and use the respective shortcode of the gallery in the content, this will work fine.

ex: in the page REBECCA HAEHNLE (page_id=29) use [nggallery id=ref_stylist_galery]

On the mother page (gallery), use the album shortcode (create an album with all the stylists galleries in order you want) [album id=ref_album_id template=extend]

I think it will do the trick 🙂

In other words, you can do something like this in your page.php template:

if( is_page(ID_OF_SPECIFIC_PAGE) ) {
  // make your stuff here
  echo do_shortcode('[nggallery id='.$my_id.']');
} else {
  // output standard content here