Adding a banner to the install dialogue of a custom plugin

Since no one was able to answer my question, I will do so myself since I found the answer this morning.

When executing the API call for fetching plugin information, the response object must contain a banners array:

$response->banners = [
    'low' => '',
    'high' => '',

Images need to be called “low” (exactly 772×250 pixels) and/or “high” (1544×500 pixels). Only one of both needs to be set. I recommend the “low” one, since the “high” one seems to be only needed for retina displays (can’t find source anymore).

I found the answer to this question early in the morning today by looking at the file


lines 526+ (WP version 4.9.6):

if ( ! empty( $api->banners ) && ( ! empty( $api->banners['low'] ) || ! empty( $api->banners['high'] ) ) ) {
    $low  = empty( $api->banners['low'] ) ? $api->banners['high'] : $api->banners['low'];
    $high = empty( $api->banners['high'] ) ? $api->banners['low'] : $api->banners['high'];
    <style type="text/css">
        #plugin-information-title.with-banner {
            background-image: url( <?php echo esc_url( $low ); ?> );
        @media only screen and ( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5 ) {
            #plugin-information-title.with-banner {
                background-image: url( <?php echo esc_url( $high ); ?> );

I hope this is helpful to somebody. It certainly was for me.