Auto Plugin & Core Updates Not Working For Custom Theme

There’s a page here about Configuring Automatic Background Updates.

It says specifically not to put the filters in wp-config.php, so you should definitely move those to functions.php; they were probably not registered if added in wp-config.php so that explains why you didn’t get plugin or theme updates, but core updates should have worked. Only constants like define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true ); should go in wp-config.php.

It’s not extremely clear from docs in the codex when or how these auto updates get run, but this article says they’re triggered from WP-Cron at 7a.m. and 7pm local time. So you should definitely expect an update to happen within 12-24 hours at the most. Note this is dependent on having enough traffic to your site to trigger WP-Cron.

Docs say that core updates trigger a notification email however plugin and theme updates do not.

Does that help?