The function which is used internally (since 3.1) is get_edit_term_link( $term_id, $taxonomy, $object_type="" )
. Source view here.
There’s also a function called edit_term_link
that will format the link output for you.
The built-in functions are probably better to use, because they check for user capabilities, etc., and are better for future compatability. That said, I think you’re safe using the hardcoded url for backwards compatability. I don’t know how it was done in previous versions, and I think those links might have been hardcoded like you’re doing…
Edit: I was curious what was done before that function was introduced, so I looked through the source. Prior to 3.1, get_edit_tag_link( $tag_id, $taxonomy = 'post_tag' )
did the same thing – now it’s just rewritten to use get_edit_term_link
internally. So if you want to support all recent versions of WordPress, use this function:
//add the filter in order to add custom columns to the category manager
add_filter('manage_category_custom_column', 'display_cat_columns', 10, 3);
//This function outputs the custom category image onto each row of the category manager grid.
function display_cat_columns($arg1, $column_name, $cat_id){
if ('ce4_cat_image' == $column_name) {
if (function_exists ('edit_term_link'))
return edit_term_link( get_category_thumbnail_admin($cat_id, 'thumbnail'),
'', '', $cat_id, false );
else return '<a href="'.get_edit_tag_link($cat_id, 'category').'">'.
get_category_thumbnail_admin($cat_id, 'thumbnail').'</a>';