Advanced custom fields – If/ while field problem

use if instead of while because you want to compare if a field is exist or has some value, by using while you are looping trough and this loop can’t stop until your php’s execution time limit is ended, try this.

<?php if (get_field('block_repeater')) { ?>
    <?php if (has_sub_field('block_repeater')) : ?>
            <!-- problem -->
            <?php $block_link = get_sub_field('block_link');
            $block_image = get_sub_field('block_image');

            if ($block_image) { ?>
                <?php if ($block_link) { ?><a class="img" href="<?php the_sub_field("block_link'); ?>"><?php } ?>
                    <img src="<?php the_sub_field("block_image'); ?>" alt="" />
                    <span class="square-arrow"></span>
                <?php if ($block_link) { ?></a><?php } ?>
            <?php } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>