Am I not understanding plugins?

when faced something similar I found a solution that works if your framework resides inside a plugin (so it seems).

If your main plugin file (one that is recognized by WordPress as the plugin file) is in, e.g. /plugin/Aisis/ you can put this path in a constant, eg.

define('AISISPATH', dirname(__FILE__));
require ( trailingslashit (AISISPATH) . 'AisisCore/Loader/AutoLoader.php' );
if ( ! class_exists('AisisCore_Loader_AutoLoader') ) die('Something strange happened.');

In your get_instance() method of AisisCore_Loader_AutoLoader class put:

    self::$_directories = array(
        trailingslashit( AISISPATH )

Doing like so, AisisCore_Loader_AutoLoader::$_directories[2] will be {wp_path_here}/plugin/Aisis so when you call $obj = new AisisCore_Http_Http(); your autoloader method will search in {wp_path_here}/plugin/Aisis/AisisCore/Http/Http.php.

Everything works, of course, if the plugin is activated from WP dashboard.

If you follow this process, is a good idea start the get_instance() method with:
if ( ! defined('AISISPATH ') ) die('Framework not initilized.');

Your logic probably doesn’t work because plugin_dir_path($file), is just a wrapper for trailingslashit( dirname( $file ) ) (see the Codex) so if you use this function passing __FILE__ as param it will return the folder in which the file that call the function is (in your case ‘AisisCore/Loader/’) and not your framework root.

Hope this helps you.