Auto-modifying original [full size] images

Yes, there is.

Found here:

It will replace the original picture with the large size, defined in Media Settings (/wp-admin/options-media.php).

Here’s the code:


function replace_uploaded_image($image_data) 
    // if there is no large image : return
    if ( !isset($image_data['sizes']['large']) ) 
        return $image_data;

    // paths to the uploaded image and the large image
    $upload_dir              = wp_upload_dir();
    $uploaded_image_location = $upload_dir['basedir'] . "" . $image_data['file'];
    $large_image_location    = $upload_dir['path'] . "" . $image_data['sizes']['large']['file'];

    // delete the uploaded image

    // rename the large image
    rename($large_image_location, $uploaded_image_location);

    // update image metadata and return them
    $image_data['width']  = $image_data['sizes']['large']['width'];
    $image_data['height'] = $image_data['sizes']['large']['height'];

    return $image_data;

It is possible to use it with a custom size:

add_image_size( 'new-large', 1600, 1200 ); 

Changing all the occurrences of $image_data['sizes']['large'] in the original code with $image_data['sizes']['new-large']

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