Can I link to content dynamically from a page to a new page?

You would at least need to create one page where you can list all the info. In the php template for that page, you can then change that info based on the page you’re linking from.

That would be the same link for all pages though (you could get around that with rewrite rules, but that’s a different story).

Say you’re linking from a page with ID = 123. Create a new page “The New Page”.

In your link you can do something like:

<a href="<?php the_ID(); ?>">Read More</a>

In the template file of the new page, you add something like:

$previous_page_id = $_GET['id'];

$value = get_field('my-field', $previous_page_id);

  echo $value;
} else {
  echo 'Sorry, no information found.';