Change WooCommerce currency programmatically on AJAX request

This is how I solved it:

 * Force currency change

    add_filter( 'wcml_client_currency', function($current) {
        if(isset($_GET['currency']) && $_GET['currency'])
            return $_GET['currency'];

        if(isset($_POST['currency']) && $_POST['currency'])
            return $_POST['currency'];

        return $current;
    } );

And then in order for the above filter to be listened to, it’s important that you have added below code:

add_action( 'wp_ajax_quick_view_single_product', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\quick_view_single_product' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_quick_view_single_product', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\quick_view_single_product' );

function quick_view_single_product() {


 * Ensure WCML's currency filters are listened to

    add_filter( 'wcml_multi_currency_ajax_actions', 'add_action_to_multi_currency_ajax', 10, 1 );

    function add_action_to_multi_currency_ajax( $ajax_actions ) {
        $ajax_actions[] =  "quick_view_single_product"; // Add a AJAX action to the array.
        return $ajax_actions;