Top Admin bar of a multisite: Choose My Sites, Network Admin, Settings.
You have to be a SuperAdmin to do this. Note that the super-admin admin page is different from the first sub-site’s Admin page.
Link location is , where you change the domain name to your domain.
I was thinking of the Network, Sites, then editing the main site (site ID = 1) . Equivalent URL is
The values you need to change are ‘SiteURL’ and “Home”, but they are not editble on this screen. You will need to get into the wp-options table to edit those values.
Those are the values you would change to change all site domains. And you might even have to use a Search/Replace plugin to change the domain name in other areas of the domain.
But if your intent is to move the site to something like public_html/newplace , then you just need to change that on your hosting place to point your domain to the new folder. After you have copied all files from the public_html/oldplace to public_html/newplace .
I don’t believe there are any places in the database that specify the full path to the site. That’s a hosting thing.